Large Truck Crash Fatalities on the Rise: Protect Your Rights

Being involved in a crash involving a large truck can be devastating. In one brief moment everything changes. Dealing with the emotional and physical pain of a Tennessee trucking accident can take a serious toll on individuals and families. And too often these accidents could be avoided.

While the overall rate of fatal accidents has declined throughout the United States in recent years, the number of large truck fatalities has increased, according to a recent National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA) report. Here are some results:

  • Including the occupants of the trucks, other vehicles and non-occupants, the total number of fatal truck crashes increased 8.7% from 2009 to 2010.
  • From 2009 through December 2011, the number of people injured in large truck crashes increased 12%.
  • This total rose to 19% by February of 2012.

An earlier NHTSA study examined the causes of these fatal large truck crashes. A large truck was defined as one weighing over 10.000 pounds. The study dealt with large truck crashes from 1996-2000. Here are some of the results:

  • 18,628 (82%) of the fatal crashes involved multiple vehicles.
  • 17% of these accidents happened on the weekend days of Saturday and Sunday.
  • 83% occurred from Monday through Friday.
  • 63% took place on the open road; 37% at a road junction.
  • During the same years, Tennessee was number eleven on the list of all fatal U.S. large truck accidents, making it number eleven on the list of fatality rates. Texas was number one.

As disturbing as these numbers are, they do not begin to describe the actual damage large truck accidents inflict on those involved. And if you are one of these people, you want to be sure your rights are protected.

As Memphis truck accident attorneys, we urge you to seek legal advice as soon as possible following this type of crash. Bailey & Greer represents the victims of these roadway tragedies. We can help by:

  • Proving liability, showing that your accident was caused by someone else’s negligent conduct.
  • Recovering past, present and future damages for your losses, including the costs of medical care, lost income, physical pain, mental anguish, physical disability, and physical disfigurement.

Call Bailey & Greer in Memphis today to find out what we can do to help you and your family at our toll free number: 901-680-9777. Or, simply fill out the contact form on this page for a quick, free case evaluation.