Understanding GranuFlo Hypokalemia

The hemodialysis drugs GranuFlo Dry Acid Concentrate and Naturalyte Liquid Acid Concentrate have been recalled by the FDA. The drugs can cause elevated levels of bicarbonates in the blood which have been linked to serious medical problems, including GranuFlo hypokalemia, a dangerous drop in the blood’s potassium levels.

When GranuFlo or Naturalyte are mixed incorrectly or administered with extra bicarbonates, they can cause metabolic alkalosis or alkaline blood. The extra bicarbonate in the blood bonds with potassium and causes a drop in blood potassium levels.

Potassium is necessary nutrient that is used for by the muscles and nerves. Mild hypokalemia produces few or no symptoms; as potassium levels drop there may be a slight elevation in blood pressure or intermittent heart arrhythmia.  Moderate hypokalemia is more serious, and may be indicated by muscle pain, muscle weakness, muscle cramps and constipation.

Severe hypokalemia is a serious and potentially fatal illness. Symptoms of severe hypokalemia include:

  • Loss of reflexes
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Heart arrhythmia
  • Heart attack
  • Muscle damage
  • Paralysis

If you or a loved one has suffered from a heart attack, cardiac arrest or other serious health problems after dialysis with GranuFlo Dry Acid Concentrate or Naturalyte Liquid Acid Concentrate, you have a right to seek compensation through a GranuFlo injury lawsuit. To learn more about pharmaceutical injury claims against Fresenius, the maker of GranuFlo, contact the Memphis drug injury lawyers at Bailey & Greer at 901-680-9777.

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