I have noticed some fraudulent medical billing at my company. I’d like to do the right thing and report it, but I’m worried about the consequences for my career and my family. What are the hazards of whistleblowing?

You are right to consider the consequences of your actions.

Like you, most Tennessee whistleblowers are dedicated employees who do their job and find evidence of illegal or unethical behavior. These people feel that despite the consequences, they have a duty to report the wrongdoing.

Some people choose to report the wrongdoing to their supervisor first. Whether or not the supervisor is aware of what is happening, reporting illegal activity to your supervisor can lead to a very awkward situation. You may be asked to ignore the situation or to cover up or lie about what you know. If you choose to help cover-up the situation, you may protect your job temporarily, but you also become part of the wrongdoing and risks losing your job, security clearance and reputation if the wrongdoing is ever discovered. You may also put yourself at risk of blackmail and continued manipulation by your employer or supervisor.

If you choose to report the wrongdoing, there can be consequences to your actions. Others in your workplace, even those you considered friends, may turn against you – especially if your accusations somehow threaten their jobs. You may ruin your chances of promotion within your company. You may even be fired. You may be labeled a troublemaker within your industry.

We suggest that you talk to a Tennessee whistleblower actions attorney. Your lawyer can inform you of the protections and rewards available for whistleblowers. If you decide to pursue your case, he can help you prepare the paperwork and present your case to the Justice Department.

To discuss your situation, contact the Memphis whistleblower actions lawyers at Bailey & Greer at 888-470-9143.

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