Tennessee Premises Liability: Slip and Fall Accidents and You

One of the most common ways you can be injured is in a slip and fall accident. One minute you are going about your business, and the next, you are on the ground. If you are lucky, you are not injured and just pick yourself up and move on, hoping not too many people saw you do it.

But all too often, it is not that easy. A slip and fall can cause broken bones and worse. If your injury could have been prevented by proper maintenance of the place where you fell, the topic of premises liability emerges. As Memphis slip and fall lawyers, we see many cases of this type of liability.

Premises liability is one aspect of the law that covers the responsibilities of landowners to all those who use their property. This landowner could be anyone from the owner of a shopping mall to the city who maintains a sidewalk system. Premises liability law governs anyone who owns property.

So, if you have a slip and fall accident and are seriously injured, one of the first things you want to do is find out whether the property owner is liable for your injuries – sometimes he or she is not. Here are some general guidelines for determining liability in a Tennessee slip and fall accident.

A Tennessee property owner is liable for slip and fall accidents if:

  • A dangerous surface, like a broken sidewalk, torn carpet or wet surface caused your accident AND this danger existed because the owner failed to correct it
  • The property owner does not have a regular maintenance and inspection program in order to do the very best he or she can to protect others
  • An object that should not have been left where it was caused your fall
  • There was no warning sign or barrier to prevent your accident
  • Poor lighting conditions caused you to slip and fall

Of course, there are instances in which a slip and fall accident occurs because of your own carelessness. However,oftentimes you may have been a bit careless, but a condition existed that contributed to your accident. This is called “comparative negligence” and when Tennessee slip and fall lawsuits occur, simply put, the blame might be shared between you and the property owner.

If you or a loved one has suffered a serious injury in a Tennessee slip and fall accident, you do have legal rights. Call Bailey & Greer, the premier Memphis injury law firm, to explore your options. You can reach us toll-free at 901-680-9777, or simply fill out the confidential case consultation form on this page.

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