Social Security Disability Special Accommodations for Applicants Over Age 50

Social Security Disability Special Accommodations for Applicants Over Age 50Applying for Social Security Disability benefits is not an easy process. However, if you happen to be between the ages of 50 and 64, we have some encouraging news for you. If you qualify for SSD benefits, the process is far more streamlined for those over age 50 – and even more so if you are 55 or older, and have a consistent work history that meet the Social Security Administration requirements.

The reason for this is relatively simple. The SSA recognizes the fact that as people get older, and particularly when they have been doing the same kind of unskilled, often manual types of work, retraining becomes a challenge. Added to that challenge is the impairments imposed by their health condition, which may make retraining and taking on a new occupation cumbersome and impractical. That is not to say that it is impossible for older individuals to learn new skills and take on a new career, but it is not an easy task for most people.

The same medical conditions that prompted the need to apply for SSD along with other underlying health conditions that could be age-related such as the deterioration of the joints, heart attack, diabetes, hypertension and obesity contribute to an individual’s inability to meet the daily challenge of full time work. All of these factors play a role in more readily approving SSD benefits for workers who apply in their 50s and even 60s.

Defining the work you can do

The SSA has four categories into which a worker can fit, based on his or her functioning capacity: sedentary, light, medium or heavy:

  • Sedentary positions are largely sitting positions, though a worker may need to stand or walk during the course of his or her day. If you can work in a sedentary position, you won’t be expected to lift anything heavier than 10lbs at one time.
  • Light work means carrying no more than 20lbs at a time, but that you may be required to carry objects up to 10lbs more frequently. You’ll be required to walk or stand more often if you perform light work as opposed to working in a sedentary position.
  • Medium work requires carrying loads up to 50lbs at a time. It may require a lot of walking, bending, stooping or crouching. Workers will be on their feet for the majority of the day.
  • This encompasses all of the work in a medium position, but the loads will be heavier – more than 50lbs a day.

If you are between 50 and 54, a special accommodation can be made so you can collect Social Security Disability benefits even if you can perform sedentary work. The accommodations increase as you get older; thus, a person between 55 and 59 can collect even if he or she is capable of doing light work, and a person between the ages of 60 and 64 may be able to collect SSD even if he or she can perform medium work.

How an SSD attorney can help

Given that Social Security Disability applications are considered on a case-by-case basis, generalizations are never appropriate for every individual applicant. This is why it makes sense to schedule a no-obligation consultation with a Memphis Social Security Disability attorney who can discuss your case and advise you of your legal options given your circumstances. Your lawyer can help you through the application process by collecting your documentation, reviewing the application, and ensuring that any missing details are filled in. If you tried applying for benefits on your own and were rejected, your attorney can help you with the appeals process as well.

If you are applying for Social Security Disability and you are between the ages of 50 and 64, you may not know that there are a few special accommodations just for you. Please contact a Memphis or Jackson SSD attorney at the law firm of Bailey & Greer, PLLC today to discuss your case. We are ready to be a strong advocate for you and do whatever we can to help you obtain disability benefits regardless of your age. We have offices in Memphis and Jackson to better serve you.