Social Security Disability: What are the Pros and Cons of Video Hearings?

Social Security Disability- What are the Pros and Cons of Video Hearings?If you require a hearing with the Social Security Administration, there is often a backlog requiring applicants to wait for months in order to attend a live hearing with an Administrative Law Judge. However, the SSA has taken steps to utilize technology to help relieve the backlog of cases the need hearings by allowing video teleconference hearings (VTC). The only difference between a live hearing and a VTC is that in a live hearing you are standing in the same room as the judge and the other attendees. In a VTC, you see the judge on your computer screen and the judge will see you in their computer screen. While a VTC is convenient, there are definitely pros and cons to consider. Let’s take a look at those now.

What are the advantages of having a video teleconference hearing for reconsideration of my disability application?

One of the main advantages of taking the option to do a VTC is that you can get a hearing far sooner than if you opted for a live hearing. When you choose the video hearing option, the location you will report to is usually much closer than if you choose a live hearing. If you happen to live more than 75 miles away from the hearing office, the Social Security Administration will reimburse you for the miles you had to travel.

What are the cons or downsides of a VTC?

If you or your attorney feels like it is important that the judge actually see you live, and have the chance to look into your eyes, to see the way you struggle to move, or how any of your other symptoms might help to bolster the credibility of your application, then you might benefit from waiting for a live hearing date.

Otherwise, there are few distinct disadvantages to choosing the VTC option for your hearing. There is always the possibility that technical glitches will occur, but it could also go perfectly smoothly. The hearing will proceed exactly the way it would if you were thee in person. With the video option you save time and get your hearing over with faster.

You will most likely get the same judge whether the hearing is in person or via VTC, so it would be a mistake to think that if you request a live hearing you might get assigned to a different judge.

Whether your hearing is live or via VTC, your experienced Social Security Disability attorney should be present. They will help you prepare for the hearing. Your chances of getting approved increase after a hearing if it goes well, and having an attorney represent you increases your chances that it will go well.

When you have questions about your social security disability application, you may want to schedule a consultation with a knowledgeable SSD attorney at Bailey & Greer, PLLC who will review your case and answer your questions. You may contact our firm if you live in and around Memphis, Jackson or West Tennessee and wish to pursue Social Security Disability benefits.