What Are the Risks of Preterm Birth?

Preterm birth occurs when a baby arrives prior to 37 weeks of pregnancy. At this point, the child may not be fully developed, and that increases the risk of health complications. Data from the World Health Organization shows that 13.4 million babies were born preterm in 2020 and that these complications are the leading cause…

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Maternal Infections and Birth Injuries

Pregnancy is a miraculous and complicated process, and it comes with potential risks that can affect both a mother and her unborn child. One such risk factor is maternal infections, which, if left untreated, can lead to serious birth injuries. Maternal infections during pregnancy can occur at various stages and may involve bacteria, viruses, or…

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What Is Placenta Previa?

Being pregnant, giving birth, and making plans to raise a child are supposed to be happy and joyous times in a person’s life. However, when pregnancy complications emerge, it can be difficult to enjoy these moments. It is your medical provider’s job to keep an eye out for any risks or potential complications as well…

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What Is Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)?

Discovering that your newborn has suffered a devastating birth injury, such as Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE), can be a heartbreaking experience. These injuries, often caused by mishandling or oxygen deprivation during delivery, can have a profound and lasting impact on your child’s life. It is essential to hold the responsible doctors and hospitals accountable for the…

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Birth Injuries and Erb’s Palsy: Causes and Treatment Options

Birth injuries are a distressing medical event that can occur during the delivery process, potentially leading to lifelong consequences for the child and emotional distress for the family. One such birth injury is Erb’s Palsy, a condition characterized by damage to the brachial plexus nerves, which can result in weakness or paralysis of the affected…

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How Placental Injuries Lead to Birth Injuries

The placenta is an essential organ during pregnancy since it provides oxygen, nutrients, and waste removal for the developing baby. Part of the reason women have such strict prenatal care and receive ultrasounds so often during pregnancy is so that doctors can ensure the baby is healthy and growing at a normal pace, all thanks…

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What Is the Difference Between A Birth Injury and a Birth Defect?

When obstetricians, midwifes, and anyone involved in the birth or delivery of a newborn commit medical practice, the parents have the right to hold the negligent health providers liable for their medical malpractice. Medical malpractice generally requires that there be a doctor/patient relationship with the mother, that the doctor failed to use competent medical care,…

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Can I Sue If My Child Is Diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy?

The possibility a newborn may develop cerebral palsy (CP) during a delivery is well-known. Every obstetrician or birth delivery healthcare professional should be on the lookout for cerebral palsy and know what precautionary steps to take. In many cases, if your baby is diagnosed with cerebral palsy, it is due to the negligence of the…

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What Are the Most Common Birth Injuries?

It’s every parent’s nightmare. They hope that when they go to the delivery room, they will leave with a healthy baby boy or girl. When they’re told their child has a birth injury, their lives are forever changed. A birth injury often means their child will not lead a normal life. A birth injury can…

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Recognizing the Signs of Preeclampsia

Preeclampsia is a condition that can occur in pregnant women. It will often occur during the end of a pregnancy. Some women have a greater risk of preeclampsia than others, including women who are overweight or have high blood pressure. When a woman’s blood pressure is incredibly high during the pregnancy, and there is evidence…

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