Common Repetitive Motion Injuries in Tennessee Workplaces

Repetitive motion disorder or RMD is one of the leading categories of Tennessee workplace injuries. RMD encompasses a range of injuries caused by repeating the same movement. In this post, I will list and describe these conditions.

Carpal tunnel syndrome – Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the nerve that runs from the forearm to the palm of the hand gets pinched because of swelling inside the wrist. Initial symptoms include pain, weakness or numbness in the hand that radiates up the arm.

Tendinitis – Tendons connect muscles to bones. Tendinitis is the swelling or inflammation of a tendon from repetitive use. Symptoms include tenderness, pain with movement or swelling.

Bursitis – The bursae are fluid-filled sacs that provide cushioning between the bones, tendons, joints and muscles. Bursitis is the inflammation of a bursa. Symptoms include tenderness, pain with movement and swelling.

Ganglion cyst – A ganglion cyst is a swelling on the top of a joint or the covering of a tendon. A ganglion cyst feels like a spongy or firm lump under the skin. There may be no other symptoms or there may constant, aching pain.

Epicondylitis – Epicondylitis is a painful inflammation in the tissues and muscles that surround the elbow. It is also known as tennis elbow. Symptoms include pain and weakness.

Tenosynovitis – Tenosynovitis is an inflammation in the sheath surrounding a tendon. Symptoms include pain, swelling and difficulty moving a joint. Sometimes tenosynovitis in the hand can cause a finger to remain in a flexed position. This condition is known as trigger finger.

If you suspect that you have a repetitive motion injury, see your doctor.  Each of these conditions is treatable, but ignoring a repetitive motion injury can cause permanent disability or loss of function.

If you have suffered a repetitive motion injury while working, your medical expenses and lost wages may be covered by Tennessee workers’ compensation. If you have questions or problems regarding your repetitive motion injury, please contact our Memphis work injury attorneys at 901-680-9777.

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